Friday, December 27, 2019

The Bible Among The Myths - 3214 Words

In The Bible Among the Myths, John N. Oswalt, opens up his book by establishing his expertise in the subject of the Ancient Near East (ANE). Oswalt started his study into the ANE at Asbury Theological Seminary. After attending Asbury Theological Seminary, he went to Brandeis University. This is where his fascination with the subjects and Ideas of the ANE started to grow. Oswalt eventually went on to teach at Asbury Theological Seminary, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, and Wesley Biblical Seminary. In the beginning of the next paragraph Oswalt makes the attestation that while the information has stayed unaltered since the 1960s, the subject has changed. Researchers used to accept that the Old Testament was remarkable among alternate†¦show more content†¦While trying to help characterize the saying, he records four essential qualities of a myth. These qualities conclude that people have practically zero natural worth, the relative absence of enthusiasm toward history, fa scination of magic and the occult. and the refusal to acknowledge obligation regarding individual actions. The final part of the introduction deals with a serious claim. Oswalt strongly expresses that religious claims are unable to be separated from historical claims. He basically says that the trustworthiness of the religious issues is contingent upon the trustworthiness of the historical claims. If the historical claims are clearly false, then no belief should be given to the religious legal statements. However, if the historical descriptions are agreeing with what is known, then the religious issues should be taken seriously by the reader of the Bible. The Bible and Myth Chapter 1: The Bible in Its World The first chapter addresses the Bible in the connection of its surroundings and its commitment to society. Oswalt expresses that there are numerous commitments to the way the Western world perceives reality. The Bible, be that as it may, is the most essential contributor. The Greeks brought a type of feeling that had a significant effect on society. Three of their greatest commitments were: the belief in a universe rather than a polyverse, simple cause

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Video Games And Its Effects On Children - 927 Words

Video games are a more interesting form of entertainment for the simple reason that players may become part of the game’s plot. Video games were invented for many years now. However, the current variety of games raised concerns about how they affect the children s behavior due to the fact that the games are becoming more sophisticated. Children spend most of their free time playing video games. Sometimes children refrain from completing important duties and dedicate all of their time playing video games. PlayStation and Xbox are some of the most popular video game consoles and for the past 30 years video games took part of many people’s daily activities especially the children. The video games, graphics and capabilities have increased tremendously particularly in the last decade. The first generation of video games thirty years ago was just simple geometric shapes controlled by the game player. However, the latest generation of games has graphics and capabilities that m imic real life scenarios. Hence, the games became even more popular among children, more worryingly the games have characters that the children’s view as heroes and role models. Today, it is not a surprise for a child to spend an average of several hours per day playing video games. When a child is playing the current generation of video games, they become immersed in a world of virtual reality, which may have a negative effect on a child if the game content is of a violent nature. Like the old sayingShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Video Games On Children Essay1279 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Video games have always been a controversial type of entertainment, that may come from how relatively new video games are compared to other mediums of entertainment[1]. Maybe because of that when a violent crime occurs and the culprit has played a lot of games the media is quick to point at violent games as the reason for the crime, but is that true or are the media just biased or looking for quick views, this report aims to answer that question. Do games affect our way of thinkingRead MoreEffects Of Video Games On Children Essay1357 Words   |  6 PagesScreening to a halt: Are parents in New Zealand able to identify signs of dependency or addiction in their children due to over use of screen-time from the recreational use of video games? Digital technology and the vast amount of video games have increased the amount of screen time consumption in contemporary New Zealand society. The saturation of smart phones, ipad’s, tablets, computers, game consoles and the Internet are devices with the means of connection to gaming. Many New Zealand families integrateRead MoreThe Effects of Video Games on Children1288 Words   |  6 PagesThe Effects of Video Games on Children Technology today has progressed rapidly from generation to generation. Children and young adults are both into video games and the latest gadgets out there. Video games have been available to customers for the last 30 years. They are a unique way to entertain individuals because they encourage players to become a part of the games script. Victor Strasburger an author of â€Å"Children, Adolescents, and the media† stated â€Å"The rising popularity of video games hasRead MoreThe Effects of Video and Video Games on Children2043 Words   |  8 Pagesaction, usually in a cartoon, movie, or video game. For many of us, Disney is where we refer back to early forms of animation with the idea of using thousands of consecutive drawings; through Disney, we can now see how far this idea of breathing life into static objects has advanced. Today, animation is becoming more and more realistic. With highly advanced technology and computer programs, it has become easier for simple cartoons to develop into what children see as real life. These animated cartoonsRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Children1548 Words   |  7 PagesVideo Games Introduction Today video games are a staple in most households. It is pretty amazing to know that the first creation of games date all the way back to the 1900s. They were not originally invented to make a profit, but to give patients something to do while waiting in the lobby of an office. One inventor had a simple idea of using the monitor not just as a television set, but as a way to play games. College students were just playing around with equipment and happened upon something greatRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Children940 Words   |  4 Pageswas bored they went outside to play, they created new games, or they played with friends. But, for the past three decades, video games and other digital media have been persuading many adolescents and children to spend the majority of their time playing them. Video games seem to satisfy children’s natural need to interact socially, however more often than not, they lead to social isolation. Overexposure to digital media, such as v ideo games is detrimental to the health and function of a child’sRead MoreVideo Games And Its Effects On Children1519 Words   |  7 PagesVideo games in the 21st century have transformed from friendly competing into guns, explosions, and major violence. Video games are getting away with more violence every year and the games are becoming more extreme. The consistence and severity of violence is at an all-time high leading the most popular games in the gaming community to have a ‘mature’ rating due to the considerable amount of violence involved. For example, one of the highest selling video games of all time grossing one billion itsRead MoreThe Effects of Video Games on Children1656 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction For more than 30 years, video gaming has been a popular activity amongst many of America’s children. With over $63 billion (Reuters, worth sold each year, video games are here to stay. While much controversy has arisen over the subject, video games have benefited the United States of America and its citizens to a great degree. For example, the military and CIA use gaming to train soldiers (Davidson,, and classrooms use video games to teach students. The potentialRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Children1034 Words   |  5 PagesThe world of today has developed in a way that even children are affected by technology. They enjoy video games in their leisure time and even prefer them to studying that, in its turn, can contribute to their poor performance in the class. These days, video games have become an issue that has brought concern to many people from parents to scholars about their potential effect on the future of children through influenci ng their conduct. They feel that the violent behavior or any other negative consequenceRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On Children Essay1736 Words   |  7 PagesEffects of Video Games We see it everywhere we go, video games. Kids and adults are being captivated over the new video games that are coming out. Call of Duty, Battlefield,Uncharted; these are the games that people are enjoying and becoming fascinated with. What do all of those things have in common? There is only one answer and that is violence. Fighting, shooting, killing, these are the things that video games bring to the table and stimulate people s minds. We should ask ourselves whether

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Prenatal Screening Essay Example For Students

Prenatal Screening Essay Prenatal screeningScreening for Down syndrome is available to about 53.5% of mothers on a maternal age basis, and the remaining 46.5% of health boards provide serum screening for all ages. There are several methods used in prenatal screening, these are usually used separately, and a number of factors are taken into account to determine which method should be used. Amniocentesis has been around for 20 years and is probably the most well known screening method. It involves testing a sample of the amniotic fluid surrounding the foetus, ultrasound is used to guide a needle through the abdomen, into the womb and a small amount of amniotic fluid (20ml) is removed. The procedure is usually carried out at 14-16 weeks. Amniocentesis tests for chromosome disorders, and is 99.8% reliable for chromosome number, there is however a risk of miscarriage (usually 1/250 or less) after the procedure. This is one of the reasons why amniocentesis has only been offered to over 35s (since they have a much higher risk of having a Down syndrome child)(Webb 1990). Previous studies on amniocentesis concentrated on problems that might arise during pregnancy or immediately after, these studies found that children whose mothers had amniocentesis are more likely to have breathing problems in the first few days after birth. A study performed by Jo-Anne Finegan in Toronto followed 88 women who had, had amniocentesis, there was an increased incidence of ear infection in this group. Finegan tested the stiffness of the eardrum and found children in the amniocentesis group were more than three times as likely to have abnormal readings. It is thought that there is a disruption of the delicate balance of pressure across the eardrum when the amniotic fluid is removed, which could cause the problems(Webb 1990). Chorionic villus sampling is another form of sampling, it involves taking a small piece of placenta and genetic testing is carried out on it, there is a slightly higher chance of foetal loss wi th this procedure (Dick 1996). A more recent form of prenatal testing involves serum markers. Blood is taken from the pregnant women and the maternal blood is tested for three hormones, this test is called the triple screen test. The three hormones tested are alpha foeto-protein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) and oestradiol (E3). AFP is based on the fact that Down syndrome foetuses tend to be smaller on average, have smaller placentas and thus secrete less AFP. All three hormones can be tested individually, but are not so reliable this way. AFP results detect 20%-25% if carried out alone (Cuckle 1984), tests combining more than one measure detected 48%-91%. A study using AFP and HCG detected 90% of cases in women over 35 and 43% in women under 30, it also found that detection rates were better when the test was performed before week 17 (Gouldie et al 1995). Prenatal sonography looks at the foetus using ultrasound, by measuring the iliac angle in the pelvis the risk of Do wn syndrome can be measured. A study performed shows that the mean iliac angle is 60o for normal foetuses and 75o in foetuses with Down syndrome, by measuring the iliac angle in foetuses the liklihood of Down syndrome can be worked out, for example if the iliac angle is 50o the liklihood is 1/588 of the foetus having trisomy 21, if however the angle is 80o then the chance is 1/50. This type of prenatal testing although not as reliable as amniocentesis is much safer. Saridogan et al 1996 pointed out a number of reasons why Down syndrome may not be detected, first of all women may decline the test, this may be due to ignorance of the test or to cultural/religous reasons. Another reason may be due to the late presentation of the woman, as stated above testing before week 17 gives the best results. The triple test is not 100% reliable, there are incidences when there is a negative test, and the child is born with Down syndrome the reason for this is not always known. .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 , .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .postImageUrl , .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 , .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8:hover , .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8:visited , .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8:active { border:0!important; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8:active , .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8 .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue0ebee32e1365d65ce2e4c8e18717cd8:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Economic tern English-Chinese Essay Prenatal Screening ProceduresIn an uncomplicated pregnancy, expect about a dozen doctor visits First VisitBlood tests: To check the womans blood group and sometimes, to check for presence of hepatitis B virus, which might be transmitted to the baby. Cervical smear test: To test for an early cancer of the cervix (if a test has not been performed recently). Also called a Pap smear. First Visit and Throughout the PregnancyBlood tests: To check for anemia in the woman, and in women with Rh-negative blood groups, to look for the presence of Rhesus antibodies. Urine test: To check for proteinuria, which could indicate a urinary tract infection or preeclampsia. Blood and urine test: To check for diabetes mellitus. Blood pressure check: To screen for hypertension, which interferes with blood supply to the placenta and is a sign of preeclampsia. First Visit and After ANY InfectionBlood tests: To screen for rubella, which can cause defects in the baby, and for syphilis and HIV (the AIDS virus) which can also be passed on. First 12 WeeksChorionic villus sampling: May be performed if there is a risk of certain genetic (inherited) disorders being passed on. 16 to 18 WeeksUltrasound scanning: Is carried out to date the pregnancy accurately and to detect any abnormalities present in the fetus. Amniocentesis: Carried out on older women and those with spina bifida or Downs syndrome to detect possible abnormalities in the fetus. Blood test: In some cases, the amount of alpha-fetoprotein in the blood is tested to determine whether the baby has spina bifida. Fetoscopy and fetal blood sampling: In some cases, these are carried out if there is doubt about the normality of the baby. High-risk or overdue pregnancies Blood and urine tests: To assess placental function and fetus health. Electronic fetal monitoring: To check on the fetal heart beat. Ultrasound scanning: Extra scans may be recommended to assess fetal growth and development, location of placenta, amount of amniotic fluid. SOURCE: Encyclopedia of Medicine, American Medical Association, Random House, 1989.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Wuthering Heights Essay Research Paper At the free essay sample

Wuthering Highs Essay, Research Paper At the beginning of Wuthering Heights Lockwoode makes a error in presuming that immature Catherine II was Heathcliffe? s married woman. It is easy to see how he, a alien unfamiliar with the Earnshaw-Linton household history could hold made such a error. But, had Lockwoode known about the life of the adult female Heathcliffe had ever wanted to get married, Catherine I, and so hold been able to compare it to life of her girl, Catherine II, he would neer hold been able to do that error, for the lives of the female parent and girl were every bit different as dark and twenty-four hours. To get down, Heathcliffe, the current maestro of the house in which Lockwoode was remaining, loved Catherine I more than anything in the universe. They spent hours, even yearss at a clip together, and about ever cherished each other? s company. Their relationship, nevertheless, was non one of societal peers. Through a series of events, Heathcliffe had become Catherine? s retainer, and it was for this ground that Catherine refused to get married the adult male she loved, experiencing that it would ? degrade? her to make so. It is, among other things, because of this that Heathcliffe hates Catherine II with all his bosom. To him, she is a symbol of the adult female he could neer hold because of his lowly position. Through no mistake of her ain, she becomes the object of his hate and is treated much worse than her female parent of all time was ; Heathcliffe even makes her his retainer. Her relationship with Heathcliffe is at the opposite terminal of the spectrum when comparing it to that of her female parent. Heathcliffe loved Catherine I, but hates Catherine II. Heathcliffe was Catherine I? s retainer, but Catherine II has become Heathcliffe? s retainer. Equally far as married life goes, neither Catherine I nor Catherine II married who they genuinely loved, but however, Catherine I still managed to acquire along with her hubby, Edgar Linton, and in exchange for the undertaking of get marrieding this adult male whom she did non love, she received a encouragement in her societal standing, and she secured for herself a life of comfort and finacial stableness. Catherine II, on the other manus, is forced ( by Heathcliffe ) to get married Linton Heathcliffe, a adult male for whom she has no love

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Finding Forrester-Persuasive free essay sample

The main character in the movie is a sixteen-year-old boy named Jamal who is from the Bronx in New York. He is a very intelligent young man and a gifted writer. The fact that he goes to a poor school with students who are mostly unsuccessful affects the showmanship of his intelligence. He feels that if he shows how smart he is than he will be made fun of. After taking a test his superb scores gave him the opportunity to get a full ride scholarship to a prestigious prep school called Mailor-Callow where he can continue to play basketball. Throughout his journey he has many literacy sponsors. Some of his main sponsors are his family, his friends, William Forrester, and his English teacher Mr. Crawford. Jamal lives with his mother in an apartment in the Bronx. His mother believes that he is very intelligent and wants him to succeed in school. We will write a custom essay sample on Finding Forrester-Persuasive or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page She knows that his main focus is playing basketball, but she is also aware of his writings that he does. Ever since his father recently left him and his mother, he began writing. He would write in journals every day and he kept them all in his backpack. The only person that knew of these journals was his mother, but even she didn’t know what was written in them. She knew that he was a gifted writer but even his high test scores shocked her. His mom and his brother both wanted him to go to Mailor-Callow because they wanted Jamal to do better things with his life than they had. His family is one of his literacy sponsors because they push him to succeed in school. His father could be considered as his most important literacy sponsor because it wasn’t until he left them that Jamal started writing. Either way, all three of his family members helped him in becoming the writer that he is now. Close friends can have just as much influence on someone as their family can. For Jamal this is also the case. His friends were negative literacy sponsors for Jamal. All they cared about was playing basketball. They didn’t care if they got good grades or did well in school because they didn’t think that they would have a future anyways. Jamal kept his writings from his friends because he knew that they would all judge him. At the school he went to it would have been considered â€Å"uncool† and uncommon to be smart and actually enjoy intellectual activities. One day while Jamal is playing basketball outside of his school in the Bronx he and his friends notice â€Å"the window man†. He lives in a tall building by the court and never comes out of his house, he just watches the boys as they play basketball. Jamal gets dared to break into his house one night. When he is inside of Forrester’s apartment he gets caught. While he is dashing out of the house he drops his backpack that contains all of his writings ever since his father had left them. A few days go by and as Jamal is walking past â€Å"the window man†, who later is found out to be William Forrester, a Pulitzer Award winning author, throws his backpack from the window. When Jamal gets home he opens his bag to find that all of his journal writings were edited and revised by Forrester. That is what begins their relationship as him being one of Jamal’s literacy sponsors. Jamal goes back to his house and leaves more writing for Forrester to revise. Forrester will not let Jamal come inside his house. He keeps everything very secretive about himself and does not want any visitors. As time goes on Forrester finally allows him to come inside. Forrester says that he will continue to help him with his writing as long as he follows some rules, Jamal is not allowed to ask personal questions, he is not allowed to take any of the writing that they do together out of the apartment, and he is not allowed to tell anyone that they have any sort of relationship. From working with Forrester Jamal learns to write from the heart. He is told not to think about writing, just to sit down and let the words flow. When Jamal gets stuck and cannot think of what to write, Forrester gives him something that he wrote once and told him to start copying it. Once Jamal gets the rhythm of typing he can start typing his own ideas (http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=O6O7V2g7H8wamp;feature=related). That tip helps Jamal out immensely and he writes a fabulous paper in which he turns into his teacher Mr. Crawford, who is another one of his literacy sponsors. Mr. Crawford is Jamal’s English teacher at Mailor-Callow. Just like Jamal’s friends he is also a very negative literacy sponsor. Mr. Crawford doesn’t want to see Jamal succeed. He thinks that Jamal is useless to the school except to play basketball and he tries to do everything he possibly can to stop Jamal in succeeding at the school. He thinks that Jamal isn’t writing his own essays because the work that he turns in is of such high quality. When Jamal turns in the paper that he writes at Forrester’s house, Crawford realizes that the title and first paragraph are copied work off of Forrester that Jamal did not cite, meaning that his essay is plagiarized. Crawford brings this to the school board to try to take Jamal’s scholarship away from him. That is a terribly negative literacy sponsor. He goes out of his way to somehow find fault in Jamal’s work. With all of Jamal’s literacy sponsors there comes complications. His family is complicated because they have not gone through the schooling that Jamal has and they do not have the intelligence to help him prosper in his writing, so all that they can do is push him to continue to succeed. Another complication with his family is that the whole reason that Jamal started writing was because of his father’s abandonment. It is horrible that he didn’t start writing until his father left because now his father cannot read what he wrote and help him prosper. He has a complicated relationship with his friends because they don’t understand what is going on. They never knew that he was a good writer and they think that Jamal is leaving them when he goes to Mailor-Callow. His friends don’t realize that he is doing that to better himself and that he doesn’t want to leave them behind, but that he does have a lot of new obligations since he moved to his new school. The most complicated literacy sponsor that Jamal has is Forrester. His relationship with Forrester is complicated because for starters Forrester doesn’t want to leave his house. At first he doesn’t even want to let Jamal in, although he eventually does. So every time Jamal wants to see Forrester he has to go to his apartment, they can never meet anywhere. Another complication with Forrester is that Jamal has to promise to never tell anyone about their relationship. Forrester doesn’t want anyone knowing that Jamal and him see each other or even that Forrester still lives in that apartment. He also doesn’t want Jamal to take any of Jamal’s essays out of his apartment. That causes a huge confliction when Jamal fails to listen and turns in an essay that is partially plagiarized because he didn’t know that Forrester published it. The essay that is plagiarized is the same essay that Crawford turns Jamal into the school board for. Crawford and Jamal have a complicated relationship because Jamal cannot always say the things he wants to say or do what he wants to do because Crawford is his superior and his teacher and Crawford does not like when students talk back or embarrass him in class. During one of his classes Jamal sticks up for himself and he beats Crawford at his own game which gets him kicked out of class (http://www. youtube. com/watch? v=iA4Vj-Q3HX4amp;feature=related). Even with all of the complications that are presented with literacy sponsors it is still very important to have them in life. Without literacy sponsors people cannot prosper to their full potential. Rather the literacy sponsor has the intentions of helping that person or hurting them, they still push them to be the best that they can be. If they are there to help them, they can start teaching them new ways to write and always staying positive about their writing. If the literacy sponsors are negative than they help the person because the writer will want to prove them wrong and succeed regardless of what they may think. All in all, literacy sponsors are a very big and necessary part of everyone’s lives. Works Cited Finding Forrester. Dir. Gus Van Sant. Per. Sean Connery, Rob Brown, and F. Murray Abraham. Colombia Pictures, 2000. Film. Brandt, Deborah. â€Å"Sponsors of Literacy†. College Composition and Communication 49. 2(1998): 165-85. Print.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Much Ado about nothing Essays

Much Ado about nothing Essays Much Ado about nothing Paper Much Ado about nothing Paper Essay Topic: Much Ado about Nothing Much Ado About Nothing was written in 1600 by William Shakespeare. The play is set in Messina, Sicily however it shows typical English comedy characteristics for that time. I find this unusual because not many people travelled far from home. Relationships are shown in various ways throughout the play using themes such as love, romance and patriarchal society. The main relationships which are portrayed are between Hero and Claudio and Beatrice and Benedick. Act two scene one is the masked ball. Conversations take place between a number of couples; this makes the scene seem lively and gives a sense of movement. The character Beatrice is attracted to Benedick. However Shakespeare confuses the audience by having Beatrice pass insults to Benedick, masking her real feelings. Beatrice says to Benedick why he is the Princes jester, a very dull fool; only his gift is in devising impossible slanders. Beatrice is teasing Benedick so that her real feelings towards him are concealed. Don John appears to deliberately try to cause problems in the relationship between Hero and Claudio by claiming how canst thou cross this marriage? Don John is showing his distaste for the marriage his brother arranged. This is because Don John is jealous of his brothers higher status and success. Because he is illegitimate, he does what he can to cause problems for his brother and his friends. Act four scene one, the wedding scene, starts with the marriage of Hero and Claudio, who are genuinely in love. However the wedding does not go as planned as Claudio was tricked by Don John into believing Hero had not been faithful the previous night. Claudio reveals his cruel side by making this fact known in public at the wedding, disgracing Hero and her family. He adds further insult by saying give not this rotten orange to your friend; this is a metaphor claiming Hero is rotten on the inside but outwardly she appears sweet which adds to the continuing theme of appearance versus reality. Claudio also calls her an approved wanton which literally means prostitute. Hero attempts to reclaim her innocence by answering I talked with no man at that hour, my lord but otherwise does not defend herself. This is in keeping with the behaviour of women at that time who were expected to be passive and submissive. Leonato chooses to believe the accusations; he shows no mercy for his own child and wishes her dead by stating death is the fairest cover for her shame that may be wished for. This shows that father/daughter relationships werent as relaxed as they are now as the daughter had everything planned for her by the father. Also the quote shows that language was much more dramatic in Shakespearian times. This also reminds us of Shakespeares Romeo Juliet where Juliets father Lord Capulet was quick to disown her as soon as she went against his word. Further on in act four Benedick says to Beatrice I do love nothing in the world so well as you and eventually despite her protests against marriage and relationships, Beatrice acknowledges her concealed love for Benedick by saying I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest. Beatrice then demands that Benedick Kill Claudio in revenge for the shame inflicted upon her cousin Hero. When Benedick refuses she claims that he does not love her and that they can only be friends. Beatrice was testing Benedick to find out how far he was willing to go to prove his love for her. This also shows the extent people had to go to in those days to uphold family honour. Also in this scene Beatrice declares O God that I were a man! I would eat his heart in the market place. The quotation shows her distaste for Claudio and what he did to her cousin and that she wants Claudio to be humiliated publicly just like Hero. The quote also shows that it was not considered a womans place to disagree with a man. She repeats several times her wish to be a man which highlights the lack of power women had. Shakespeare has shown that in Much Ado About Nothing the play has a moral context in which women were required to be maidens at marriage. Shakespeare has used some poetic language, particularly in declarations of love between characters; he does this by changing between verse and prose. There is also irony and humour in the form of Beatrices disapproval of marriage, which completely changes when the relationship between her and Benedick grows. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Other Poets section. Download this essay Print Save Top Heres what a star student thought of this essay 4 star(s)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Should breastfeeding moms show nipples to the public Essay

Should breastfeeding moms show nipples to the public - Essay Example Beyer Monica successfully brought ought the argument concerning displaying nipples to the public by women during breastfeeding. Using the picture, Monica emotionally connects the readers to the woman and the baby breastfeeding in the picture. The picture gives an idea situation of a woman breastfeeding and exposing her nipple to the public. Monica emotionally connects the reader to the article through involving the actual picture of the scenario. Most of the readers connected to the article because of the picture. Most readers connected the readings and picture of the article to the normal setting in the society. Most people have seen women exposing nipples to the public during breastfeeding. therefore, connecting the actual events in the society and the article created an emotional connection between the reader and Monica, the writer to the article. Beyer Monica argument concerning exposing the nipple to the public during breastfeeding successfully became viral via the internet because of the use of reasoning and logic in persuading the reader. The reader was able to read the article and understand why women ought not to expose the nipple to the public during breastfeeding. Monica logically discusses the aspect of women exposing nipples to the public. Beyer involves to the views of other women that have experienced such incidents before to provide views concerning the argument. The ideas provided by other women in the article assists the reader in making logical reasoning concerning the nipple exposure to the public during breastfeeding.